Monday, February 20, 2012

Do you get Xbox 360 gamer points playing an original xbox game on an xbox 360?

I was just wondering if you get gamer score points from playing on original xbox games on an xbox 360? Because i'm considering buying some old xbox games for nostalgia's sake!

thanks!|||Unfortunately no you don't. As the Gamerscore is encoded into each game disc this would mean every single original xbox game would have to be re-mastered. Although Microsoft did express some possibilities of this happening for a select few games (Halo: Combat Evolved for example) whether this will actually come to light is another matter.

Simply put, they are fun to re-visit but won't earn you gamerscore.

Hope this helps! :)|||No, because the Achievements are in the game code, and because they weren't introduced until the Xbox 360, they won't be on the Xbox Originals.

You should still get the games because there are some real gems from last gen. Fable, Star Wars: KotOR, Battlefront 2, Halo: CE, etc.|||Nope. It's a damn shame tho. I have loads of xbox games I could be tempted to play again.|||I don't think so ive never got any but i don't play alot of old games

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